Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28, 2011: Raven Disappears

It's been an eventful few weeks with foxes and hawks and other mysterious and invisible creatures....

Yesterday I went out to check on the girls and my favorite, Raven, was nowhere to be found.  I freaked out!  Did she slip out the door the last time I was out there?  Did someone let her out?  Did something get in?  All of the chickens were very frightened and skittish, so something had happened.  They kept hiding under the egg boxes.  I went outside and walked around the coop, looked on the roof, etc, called for Raven...nothing.

I looked under everything in the coop, no Raven.  I looked a second time, and there, stuck between the wall and a cement block, upside down, was Raven.  Not making a peep.  I tried to get her out but she was so wedged in, I had to push the coop up with my shoulder and move the cinder block it rested on so she could free herself.  She had pooped all over herself.  She wobbled away, shaken.  I picked her up but she didn't want to be held so I wondered if she was hurt.  I sat in the coop with them for awhile, watching.  They were all very shaken, so something had come after them.  I imagine Raven got stuck trying to run to the safety corners under the coop.  I worried that perhaps her egg had been crushed inside of her, but not long after, she hopped into a nest and laid a perfect egg.  Whew! 

They are all still a little skittish today, but better.  I have also upped their protein intake to try and prevent the feather picking that was going on.  I also raked several piles of leaves into the run to keep them distracted.  It seems to have stopped it.  A can of tuna works wonders.....for these little velociaaptors of mine. 

Today, I couldn't resist and went to the Tractor Supply Store.  They have received their first shipment of chicks.  Chick Days run from March 4 to May 4th, but they got some in early.  So darned cute and so tempting.  I really want Java's and Dorkings and found places I can get them, but before I take on any more animals, I need to add on to the chicken run, ideally, three 10X10's would be great.  One for the banties, one for Dorkings and Java's and one for my original crew.  I can see it now, my neighbors will love me....

However, job hunting and having an income coming in takes precedence over these "wants".  I imagine all my fellow chicken lovers in the world are going through the same excitement, dreaming and anticipation right now.  Our old neighbors that bought a mini-farm have a hen sitting on eggs and just got a third baby goat.

If anyone is reading this.....tell me what your favorite chicken breeds are and why.....flying the coop for now...until next time.


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