Thursday, December 16, 2010

October 19, 2010: Hawk Checking Things Out

October 19, 2010
Tuesday, 5:18pm

A few interesting things of note lately, yesterday I heard screaming from the chicken coop and a dread rushed over me as I ran to the back door.  It sounded like something had managed to get into the coop and was attacking the chickens.  However, it was a hawk flying off after he saw me, the bird feeder post swaying from where he had been perching very near to the chickens.  They had screamed and run to their safety corner so I don’t know if he had been on top of the coop and then went to the bird feeder stand or what, but it had caused great alarm.  I was on the phone with Raymond, an old friend, whom until that moment, I had never known, had chickens when he was growing up.  He told me I must move the bird feeder perch or the fear of the hawk will make the chickens stop laying.  He then expounded on all the ways something will try to get in the coop. 

Today, before noon, Goldie (I should call her Good as Gold Goldie) laid.  She seems to be a model chicken and I wish I knew without a doubt what breed she is.  I think she is a Nankin Bantam but not 100% sure.  She lays almost every day, one oval brown, perfectly shaped little egg.  Not much ruffles her feathers, she could brood and rear young quite well and she loves to jump on my hand to feed, but doesn’t attack you when you go to collect her eggs.

Raven was on the nest by 1pm but didn’t lay until 5:10pm.  I was getting worried about her.  None of the hens has EVER laid that late.  I think the hawk may have gotten to her and thrown her schedule off a bit.  I was sitting in the coop, feeding Chanel by hand to make sure she was getting her fair share, when Raven stood up and started heaving her chest forward.  Soon after, out popped a round, white egg, still wet and glistening from the protective coating applied to it.  She remained standing for awhile as if letting the protective coating dry, and then settled back down on it.  I thought, “Oh no, is she becoming broody?”  Not long after though, up she hopped and went back to eating.  Ellie laid after 3pm yesterday so no egg from her today and I doubt there will be an egg from Raven tomorrow since she laid so late today.  It is odd that they can all be pretty much in sync for days, laying close together and then will start laying at all different times on different days. 

Oh, the other eventful happening.....when I was sitting in the chair, I reached out to pet Hawkeye, who was on the ground near my feet and instead of running like she normally does, she squatted, spread her wings and gave the submissive position, allowing me to pet her.  I was stunned!  I even went and checked to see if she had laid an egg perhaps.  No egg, but I have a feeling it won’t be long now for her.  She is one of the feistiest ones, so for her to do that is unusual. 

Chanel was more docile than usual and huddled around my feet eating whatever I gave her.  I think she was enjoying the attention and the food.  They have been picking her neck feathers off, especially Farrah.  I am wanting to get some fat on Chanel since she will need the insulation since she is not sleeping in the coop with the others.

Even as things become routine and I begin to think my chicken fascination is wearing off, they still have things to teach and show me...

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