Thursday, December 16, 2010

October 27, 2010: Spearmint for the Chickens

October 27, 2010
Wednesday, 4:04pm

Goldie laid late today.  I have seen her at the moment of lay several times now and yet it is always still fascinating.  She arches up on her toes, arches her head, pushes her chest forward as far as she can and you can tell that she is “pushing” and eventually, out comes the egg.  A few seconds afterward, she stays still as if stunned or “recovering” and will then eventually jump out of the nest and go about her business as if nothing had happened.  This time I picked her up and stroked her back and head and she stood in the palm of my hand making little murmuring noises.

I had also brought some fresh spearmint in for the birds to try.  They didn’t appear to care for it on their first bite or maybe were perplexed by it, but after that, then they liked it....  Hmm, spearmint flavored eggs?  Probably not so good, but I bet the oils and ingredients in the spearmint could have beneficial health effects for the chickens.  I also put some Thai basil in there, they didn’t seem to care for it and would bite it and then spit it out.  Funny little critters.

Goldie will be the only one to lay today since Raven is taking a hiatus, going on eight days now and the other three laid late in the day yesterday.  Brian brought a dozen multi-colored eggs to work today.  It will be interesting to see what the reaction will be.

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