Thursday, December 16, 2010

Post from 09/13/2010 - A WHITE egg????

September 13, 2010

After a busy day running errands, I went out late in the afternoon to check on them and from afar, I saw what looked like a “white” egg.  How exciting!!!!!  A WHITE egg????  Someone else had laid an egg!!!!  Hurray!!!!   I wasn’t sure who though because both Ellie and Raven had been in and out of the boxes the day before, more interested than usual.  The egg had a very faint trace of blood on it, so whoever had laid it, had had a bit of trouble.  Poor Bob, again, I emailed him and he said this was perfectly normal and happened sometimes and assured me my chicken was not dying.  I went inside, wiped the egg with a damp paper towel and put it next to the other brown ones for comparison.  It was small, yet slightly larger and rounder than Goldie’s.  I had read Lakenvelders lay small white eggs, but could it also be Raven’s egg?  Her ear lobes are white, large and wrinkly and most chickens with white ears lay white eggs, and those with red ears lay brown eggs, with some exceptions like Ameracauna’s who lay blue/green eggs.  If it was Raven’s, it was a large egg for her.  If it was Ellie’s, it was a small egg for her.  I’m thinking Ellie, seems too large for a first egg for Raven and usually the first eggs are small and get larger as a few more are laid. 

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